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What's on in 2024...

Red and blue gradient background with rocketship
Catalyst Partnership Grants

A new grant to transform heart health in Australia.

Coastrek participants celebrate as they cross the finish line

Hiking for healthy hearts with Coastrek

A woman enjoying the ocean view, leaning against a fence.

The fundraising race where you set the pace.

bubbles featuring different scenarios Catalyst Partnership Grants may fund

Catalyst Partnership Grants

Applications closing soon for these innovative, collaborative new grants.

red outline of bricks symbolic of a wall The walls of your heart are muscles that help your heart squeeze and pump blood.
red outline of a house There are four chambers in your heart:
  • Two upper chambers called atria (singular: an atrium).
  • Two lower chambers called ventricles (singular: a ventricle).
These chambers are like the different rooms in a house:
  • The atria receive blood from your body and lungs.
  • The ventricles pump blood to the rest of your body and lungs.
red outline of door You have four valves in your heart that act like doors – opening and closing to control the flow of blood between chambers and blood vessels. They also make sure blood goes in the right direction and doesn’t go backwards.
red outline of tap Blood vessels (or “the plumbing”) carry oxygen-rich blood to your body, while taking away waste products and carbon dioxide.
red outline of symbol for electricity Your heart has an electrical system that sends electrical signals to control the timing and coordination of your heart beats.
Colourful cauliflower & vegie curry recipe in situ
Mature man in blue t-shirt getting blood pressure taken by healthcare professional

Next step

After completing our base recipe, the next step involves using it to prepare our 'Chicken ragout with veggies' and 'Chicken ragout pasta'.

French style chicken ragout - Veggies
Meals 1 and 2: French-style chicken ragout

0 serves

0 m

Coastrek participants celebrate as they cross the finish line


Hiking for healthy hearts with Coastrek.

Four Coastrek participants walking on a beautiful beach, one is jumping in the air

Hiking for healthy hearts

Almost every hour of every day, an Australian woman dies of heart disease. By signing up for Coastrek and hiking for healthy hearts, you will make a meaningful difference to your own heart health, the hearts of those you love, and the hearts of all Australians.

Why join MyHeart MyLife?

Expert tips

Learn from our medical experts as they share practical tips to help you live well with heart disease, from taking your medicines to forming heart-healthy habits.

Tailored information

Whether you’ve just been diagnosed or have been living with heart disease for some time, we’ve got you covered. Get the information you need no matter where you are on your heart health journey.

Emotional and mental health support

Feel supported with gentle prompts to check in on your emotional and mental wellbeing and know where to access more help if you need it.

Connection with others

You’re not alone. Be part of our MyHeart MyLife online support community to connect with others from all around Australia who are also living with heart disease.

Living well in rural and remote Australia

Are you living with heart disease in rural or remote Australia? We’ve got information and resources just for you, like tips for accessing your medicines and for sourcing heart-healthy food.

Last updated23 April 2020