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Catalyst Partnership Grants

A new grant to transform heart health in Australia.

Bring your big idea to life and change the cardiovascular landscape in Australia with a Catalyst Partnership Grant. 

quote from David Loyd about catalyst partnership grants

Why should I apply for a Catalyst Partnership Grant?

The top 20 applicants (‘Twenty of the Best’) will receive support from the Heart Foundation to better equip them to translate their ideas into action and receive our support to secure future funding. This includes the opportunity to:
Rocket icon Accelerate your idea to improve heart health
Work with mentors and experts to help you get your proposal ‘showcase-ready’ with a compelling pitch deck to present to potential investors, donors, and partners.
Conversation icon Identify and communicate the fundability and potential impact of your idea on heart health in Australia and beyond
Receive expert input and advice to identify and articulate the potential impact of your idea. Experienced investment advisors will also provide you with guidance on prospective funding sources.
Plant growth icon Collaboration to get your idea off the ground
The opportunity to present and pitch your idea at the showcase in front of a captive audience of potential investors, donors, and collaborators from across philanthropy, industry, venture capital, social impact, and government sectors. Receive guidance and feedback about your idea.

The 10 awardees of a Catalyst Partnership Grant will then partner with the Heart Foundation receiving support with the opportunity to: 

Network icon Build your reputation and broaden your networks and connections
Opportunity to connect to the Heart Foundation’s network of potential investors, donors, and collaborators from across philanthropy, industry, venture capital, social impact, and government sectors.
Partnerships icon Partner with the Heart Foundation
Access to explore options with you to use our strong, recognizable brand (and brand assets) and broader expertise and resources to help gain traction for your idea and project.
Money icon Receive potential financial benefits
Awarded a $100,000 grant to accelerate your idea and help bring it to life.
Growth icon Attract prospective funders
Work with the Heart Foundation team to help secure the long-term, high-impact funding required to bring your idea to life, publicize your idea to a wider audience, and close evidence gaps by implementing your innovation.

What are we looking for? 

  • Big, bold and brilliant ‘game-changing’ ideas to help us further combat cardiovascular disease in Australia.   

  • Ambitious ideas that are high-impact, scalable, feasible and fundable. 

  • A desire to partner with us to make a real difference to heart health in Australia and beyond. 

Who can apply? 

Unlike traditional research grants, these grants are open to all sectors, and levels of experience and expertise.  

What is the application process? 

The application process will involve four stages: -  

  • Stage 1: Expressions of interest open on 27 May 2024 and close 5 July 2024. 

  • Stage 2: Selected applicants with the best and brightest ideas will be invited to submit a full application in August 2024. 

  • Stage 3: The top 20 applicants (‘Twenty of the Best’) will be invited to work with experts in October 2024 to February 2025 to develop their pitch for the showcase.

  • Stage 4:  These top 20 applicants will then pitch their ideas to potential investors and collaborators at the Catalyst Showcase! The 10 awardees will then be announced following the Catalyst Showcase event.

Pitch Preparation Support

Finalists will gain access to expert pitch preparation support provided by L.E.K. Consulting Australia. L.E.K. Consulting is a global strategy consulting firm. It is widely recognised as a leading strategic advisor to the healthcare sector and counts the world’s largest and most influential healthcare companies among its clients.

L.E.K Logo
pull quote for catalyst partnership grant

More information

Please read the below FAQs in conjunction with the Catalyst Partnership Grants Guidelines.


  • Reduction in disparities/improvement in heart health equity
  • Prevention of cardiovascular disease across the life course
  • Early detection and management of cardiovascular disease risk
  • Treatment and management of people with cardiovascular disease

The Catalyst Partnership Grants are open to applicants from all sectors with a game-changing idea that has the potential to transform heart health.  Proposals at varying stages are invited for submission. Further information regarding eligibility can be found below. Our Guidelines outline applicant criteria to assist with your eligibility self-assessment.

EOIs and Full Applications are to be submitted via the Heart Foundation’s Grants Management Portal. Please familiarise yourself with the portal well before the deadline for a smooth application process. Assistance is available via the portal’s help section, on our Catalyst Partnership Grants Website, or by contacting our support team directly at [email protected].

The Heart Foundation may update guidelines and deadlines as needed. Any changes, updates and addendums will be published on the Catalyst Partnership Grants website. Applicants should regularly check the website for the latest updates.

Expressions of Interest must be submitted by 5:00 pm AEST on Friday, 5th July 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted.

There is no limit on the number of applications that can be submitted by a given individual, team, or organisation.

Visit the Catalyst Partnership Grants website, view the Guidelines, or contact the Heart Foundation at [email protected] for further assistance.

The Heart Foundation is committed to ensuring the application process is accessible to everyone. Accordingly, support is available for people living with disabilities or for those who need additional assistance or adjustments. Contact us early if you have specific needs at [email protected].

There is no limit to the number of co-applicants and yes, they can be based overseas.

Funding and Support

Catalyst Partnership Grant awardees will each receive $100,000 (excluding GST), intended for direct costs related to the project. The Heart Foundation will also partner with the Catalyst Partnership Grant awardees to help secure the further long-term, high-impact investment required to bring their idea to life.

In addition to financial grants, the Heart Foundation offers a range of non-financial support to enhance the success and impact of funded projects. This support may include access to expert advice, strategic partnership opportunities, networking events, and promotional activities to increase project visibility.

Funding cannot be used for non-project related activities or indirect costs like administrative fees unless explicitly allowed in the Funding and Options Agreement. Refer to the Guidelines for more information.

Funding can cover essential travel expenses related to project delivery, subject to justification and approval in the Funding and Options Agreement. Refer to the Guidelines for more information.


Eligible applicants include:

  • Individuals: Must possess an active Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • Individual on behalf of a Registered Entity in Australia: This category includes incorporated associations, charities, not-for-profits, and governmental agencies.
  • Individual Researchers from NHMRC Administering Insitutes.

Eligible applicants must also meet specific criteria outlined in the Guidelines. For detailed eligibility requirements and further information, please refer to the Guidelines.

No. Researchers not affiliated with a NHMRC Adminitering Institution will need to apply in the Grants Management portal via the Non-Researcher option.  Refer to the Guidelines for more information.

Unlike traditional research grants, these grants are open to all sectors, and levels of experience and expertise. Those working in the below sectors and settings may be particularly interested in applying:

  • Research/Academia 
  • Community groups and organisations
  • Healthcare and Health services
  • Health professionals
  • Med-tech and bio-tech companies
  • Tech start-ups
  • Digital health
  • Public health
  • First Nations health

Please see the Guidelines for eligibility requirements that apply to non-researchers.

Yes, individuals can apply for Catalyst Partnership Grants if they have an active Australian Business Number (ABN), and meet additional criteria outlined in the Guidelines. Applicants can also apply on behalf of their affiliated institutions or organisations if this is more relevant. Please refer to the Guidelines for detailed eligibility requirements.

Exclusions include individuals without an ABN, researchers without an institutional affiliation, projects seeking retrospective funding, and applicants affiliated with industries, like tobacco, that don’t align with the Heart Foundation’s mission and public health guidelines. For more information, please refer to the Guidelines. If your entity has a different legal structure or you are unsure about your eligibility, please contact us to discuss your situation.

Application Process and Criteria

The process involves submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI). Following review, selected applicants will be invited to submit a Full Application.

Once submitted, modifications to applications are generally not allowed. Ensure accuracy and completeness prior to submission. Contact the Heart Foundation immediately if you need to address an error after submission via email at [email protected].

Due to the volume of submissions, feedback will not be provided to unsuccessful applicants at EOI stage. However, those applicants unsuccessful at the Full Application stage can request feedback on their application.

EOIs are assessed based on unmet need, innovation, potential impact, leveraging support, and team capability, with further information available in the Guidelines.

Successful EOI applicants will be invited to submit a detailed Full Application, requiring further documentation and details about their proposal. Refer to the Guidelines for more information.

Only applicants successful in the EOI stage will be invited to submit a Full Application. This allows for a detailed evaluation to ensure proposals are well-planned, and poised for significant impact. Refer to the Guidelines for more information.

Your Full Application should provide:

  • Detailed evidence of your proposal's approach and potential impact.
  • Information on confirmed and potential, Delivery Partners.
  • Letters of Support from confirmed Delivery Partners
  • Responses to each assessment criterion specified by the Heart Foundation

Refer to the Guidelines for more information.

Full Applications are assessed based on:

  • Impact & Innovation (40%) - Consistency with strategic themes, impact, and potential scalability.
  • Approach & Risk Mitigation (30%) - Milestones, indicators, timelines, risk plans and budget
  • Capability, Capacity, and Resources (30%) - Team expertise, collaborative efforts, and resource availability.

Refer to the Guidelines for more information.

‘Twenty of the Best’ and Catalyst Showcase

Successful shortlisted ‘Twenty of the Best’ applicants will receive pitch development support as described below, participate in the Catalyst Showcase, and must sign a Catalyst Showcase Agreement.

Finalists will gain access to expert pitch preparation support provided by L.E.K. Consulting Australia. L.E.K. Consulting is a global strategy consulting firm. It is widely recognised as a leading strategic advisor to the healthcare sector and counts the world’s largest and most influential healthcare companies among its clients. It is also the leading strategic, vendor and commercial due diligence advisor to the mergers and acquisition community globally and has a deep understanding of what matters to investors when assessing new ventures, whether these are early or later stage.

L.E.K. Consulting Australia will support finalists to develop an investment case for their idea, conduct health economic modelling to assess its potential impact, and roll all of that up into a pitch presentation to be delivered to potential investors and donors.

Finalists will be invited to attend 3 separate L.E.K. Consulting Australia workshops in-person or online, covering:

  1. How to develop a compelling investment case – structuring a pitch, writing a clear problem statement, communicating your value proposition, evaluating risk, and designing an implementation plan
  2. How to quantify impact – estimating economic and health impact through economic modelling, forecasting profit and loss and creating a budget, calculating market size and potential growth
  3. How to deliver a persuasive pitch presentation – developing a compelling story, verbal presentation techniques, innovative visual communication, and techniques to engage with investors and donors
  • Outside these workshops, finalists will also be able to engage with L.E.K. Consulting Australia on an ad-hoc basis via email, video call, or in-person if required. L.E.K. Consulting Australia will be available at specific times to answer questions and provide guidance to finalists as they develop their pitches
  • Finalists will also be able to submit elements of their pitches to L.E.K. Consulting Australia as they are developed. L.E.K. Consulting Australia will review and provide feedback to finalists on a one-on-one basis
  • Prior to the Catalyst Showcase, finalists will have the opportunity to present their pitches to L.E.K. Consulting Australia in a ‘rehearsal style’ so that they can receive feedback on content and presentation style
  • A timeline of the key interactions and feedback points will be made available closer to the commencement of the pitch development process.

During the pitch development process, finalists are expected to work on all elements of their pitches independently. L.E.K. Consulting Australia will not develop any element of any finalist’s pitch on their behalf. Instead, L.E.K. Consulting Australia will provide structured guidance to support finalists as they progress.

L.E.K. Consulting Australia will be available flexibly for 2-3 weeks following each structured workshop. Finalists will be able to exchange emails and schedule a reasonable number of meetings with L.E.K. Consulting Australia at mutually convenient times during these periods.

Participants commit to preparing for and attending the Catalyst Showcase, including engaging in pitch development activities conducted between October 2024 and February 2025. Time and participation requirements will be flexible and confirmed directly with the selected ‘Twenty of the Best’. Shortlisted applicants will not be compensated for their time and effort.

The Catalyst Showcase will provide the opportunity to connect innovators with a diverse range of potential investors and donors. Applicants present their proposals to a judging panel and audience, including Catalyst Collaborators, highlighting their proposal's investment case and potential impact.

While we strive to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information, participants in the Catalyst Showcase should be aware that aspects of their proposals will be publicly discussed. Applicants are advised to avoid disclosing highly sensitive details during public sessions. The Heart Foundation will not be liable for any potential breaches of confidentiality that occur during public discussions.

Agreements and Specific Terms

Shortlisted applicants sign the Catalyst Showcase Agreement. Grant recipients also sign a Funding and Options Agreement detailing grant terms. Additional documentation may be required to be completed and signed as notified to applicants by the Heart Foundation. All applicants consent and agree to the Heart Foundation’s Privacy Notice.

The agreement covers participation requirements, pitch support, confidentiality, media rules, and compliance obligations.

This agreement covers funding use, project milestones, deliverables, decision points and options to extend, IP rights, reporting requirements, and any specific conditions tailored to ensure project success and compliance with the Heart Foundation’s legal requirements..

In addition to the $100,000, the Heart Foundation will provide support to help awardees secure the further long-term investment required to bring the idea to life. The Heart Foundation may also provide networking access and opportunities, strategic advice, and resources tailored to ensure project success. The Heart Foundation wishes to establish long-term partnerships with grant recipients.

Intellectual Property and Commercialisation

Avoid disclosing sensitive IP details publicly. Reserve detailed proprietary information for confidential discussions if shortlisted. Any disclosure of such information may jeopardise future patent applications or intellectual property rights and registrations. Applicants should consult with their legal and professional advisors regarding the implications of disclosing IP-related information.

IP terms, including ownership, usage, and commercialisation, are specified in the Funding and Options Agreement and will vary by project type.

The Funding and Options Agreement outlines IP management and commercialisation rights, requiring grant recipients to consult with the Heart Foundation before initiating related activities, as the Heart Foundation may participate in these opportunities to protect its interests.

Risk Management and Compliance

All EOIs and applications are treated with strict confidentiality and accessible only to authorised Heart Foundation personnel and contractors. While efforts are made to maintain confidentiality, the public nature of the Catalyst Showcase means some information may be publicly disclosed. Applicants must manage sensitive disclosures accordingly and understand that the Heart Foundation cannot guarantee complete confidentiality in these instances.

By submitting an EOI or Full Application, applicants consent to detailed due diligence checks upon submission, verifying alignment with the Heart Foundation’s standards. These checks may include background checks along with verification of information provided in the application process.

All applicants and their Delivery Partners are required to disclose any conflicts of interest during the EOI and application process. This step ensures transparency and fairness by identifying relationships that could influence the review of your application.

Delivery Partners

Delivery Partners are external organisations that you have formed a partnership with to collaborate on your Catalyst Partnership Grant project, providing resources and expertise to enhance project feasibility and impact.

Delivery Partners must:

  • Be suitable for participation as per the Catalyst Partnership Grant guidelines
  • Provide a signed Letter of Support detailing their commitment and contributions.
  • Adhere to applicable legal and ethical standards and align with the Heart Foundation's mission and values.

If you have a Delivery Partner, they must meet eligibility criteria and provide a Letter of Support as part of your Full Application.

If a proposed Delivery Partner does not meet eligibility criteria, you must obtain written approval from the Heart Foundation before including them in your application.

Yes they can, as long as they meet the eligibility requirements.


Catalyst Collaborators include funders and industry partners committed to supporting the Catalyst Partnership Grants and who will be attending the Catalyst Showcase. Their involvement and potential contributions to further funding are explored collaboratively, aligning closely with the Heart Foundation's guidance and involvement.

Yes, Catalyst Collaborators will attend the Catalyst Showcase. This event is a platform where the ‘Twenty of the Best’ have the opportunity to pitch their projects. While it offers unique exposure to these Collaborators, it may also open up further opportunities for these participants and the Catalyst Grant recipients collaboratively, aligning closely with the Heart Foundation's guidance and involvement.

Last updated23 August 2024