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Dr Rahul Muthalaly

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Dr Rahul Muthalaly

Reducing the risk of heart and vascular disease in stroke survivors

Dr Rahul Muthalaly, Monash University

2022 PhD Scholarship

Years funded: 2023-2025

Most people who survive a stroke suffer a heart attack or recurrent stroke in the next 10 years. Risk factors that increase a person’s chance of having a stroke also increase their chance of having heart and vascular disease. The burden of risk factors varies widely in stroke survivors because there are many different types of strokes. However, we do not understand which stroke survivors have which risk factors.

Research in heart disease has identified effective ways to control these risk factors. Similar research in stroke survivors has lagged. Furthermore, studies demonstrate that stroke survivors do not receive as close attention to these factors when compared to heart attack survivors.

The overall goal of our project is to implement a cardiologist-led assessment and intervention clinic to reduce the risk of heart disease and strokes in stroke survivors. We will also identify which stroke survivors have which risk factors for future heart disease using new risk assessment tools and artificial intelligence.

Last updated12 January 2023