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Advocating for healthy hearts throughout Australia

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Advocacy activities


Advocating for healthy hearts throughout Australia

We're addressing the disparities in heart health so all Australians can live longer, healthier lives.

Leading the way to change and help save lives in the fight against heart disease through prevention, support and research. The Heart Foundation is dedicated to making a real difference to the heart health of all Australians and breaking down disparities. This includes advocating to government and industry for legislative enhancements to infrastructure, accessibility to heart health care for all Australians, policy improvements plus funding for world-class cardiovascular research.

Advocacy at the Heart Foundation involves:

  • Making submissions to government with cost-effective initiatives to address gaps in prevention, diagnosis and treatment, support and care and research for heart health.

  • Advocating for health system enhancements to reduce absolute risk for heart disease, plus improve accessibility and rehabilitation attendance management for all Australians.

  • Prioritising the eradication of rheumatic disease predominantly amongst Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities through increased funding for prevention, treatment and research programs.

  • Amplifying education and restrictions on tobacco and e-cigarette sale, consumption and advertising.

  • Obesity, Food and Nutrition advocacy for legislative changes, for consumers to have the tools and knowledge to make healthy choices and access for disadvantaged communities with subsidies for remote communities.

  • Advocating for healthier living environments with physical activity through planning, built environments and transport solutions for schools, workplaces and communities in both metro, regional environments.

Our day-to-day advocacy activity

Ongoing work is done through the Heart Foundation advocacy government submissions. These proposals provide a suite of practical policy proposals to bridge the gaps in the current legislation and budget to aid accessibility to all Australians including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islands as well as enhance the services and support available for preventing, treating and managing cardiovascular disease. The Heart Foundation Advocacy and Public Policy Team advocates on behalf of researchers, clinicians, health professionals and consumers to improve the heart health of all Australians. The team is made up of national and state-based staff located across the country, working together with CEOs and our health team, to implement the advocacy goals in our One Heart strategy through targeted strategies that may include:

  • Meetings with ministers, members of parliament, government departments and stakeholders

  • Presenting evidence at government inquiries and making submissions on important issues relating to heart health

  • Preparation of comprehensive national and state-based budget submissions highlighting priorities in heart health

  • Policy development including the identification of issues, analysis of evidence, consultation, formulation and implementation

  • Advocating for heart health policies and programs in the lead up to elections

  • Development of publications and position statements, commissioning and publishing research, media campaigns and events.

Last updated04 December 2019